How to prepare for group training sessions: Key questions to ask trainees
The key to training success is careful planning and preparation
To have a successful training session, you need to promote the program to top management and prepare training materials, the training space, trainers, and trainees. Preparing trainees beforehand is just one element in training preparation, but an important one. Prepare trainees by sharing a session outline or agenda, which helps ease any anxiety and gets them thinking about the topic. You can also distribute pre-session activities, like fun and engaging questions or scenarios, and an expectation questionnaire to customize the session to the audience.
What questions should you ask trainees to ensure the most productive group training session?
This checklist will cover specific areas and accompanying questions you’ll want to consider asking trainees prior to training them.
Questions encompass areas such as:
- Background
- Group demographics
- Education level
- Overall attitude
- Expectations
Use the insights you gain from asking these key questions to customize your training session to meet the needs of your trainees and maximize its effectiveness.
Looking for other ways to simplify your training?
BLR’s flagship training content provider and learning management system (LMS), TrainingToday, can relieve your training stress. It has up-to-date content and uses experts to create engaging training courses that improve your L&D programs. The LMS is user-friendly and has interactive courses with scenarios and knowledge checks. With TrainingToday, you can invest in your employees’ development in a secure and centralized environment.