
Simplify your EHS tech stack

We offer the most comprehensive Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) management and compliance tools on the market that help you move the needle in your organization and allow you to invest in what matters most: your people.

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A comprehensive EHS management system

  • Regulatory compliance

    Gain confidence that your organization complies with today’s regulations with actionable information.

  • Employee safety and engagement

    Track all the incident types important to your company with our fully configurable incident management tool, which allows you to include injuries and illnesses, near-misses, environmental releases, and EHS activities for individuals involved with your organization..

  • Organizational efficiency and optimized workflows

    Adjust EHS programs in real-time using leading and lagging indicators to ensure regulatory requirements are met and understood by key stakeholders.

  • Risk management

    Quickly identify and assess potential risks in the workplace, develop measures to prevent and mitigate them, and establish a risk management plan.

Product trial

Who benefits from EHS management?

EHS professionals, whether working individually or in teams, ensure environmentally responsible business practices and employee protection, adapting to evolving regulations. An adaptable and comprehensive EHS management system supports their integration with corporate sustainability and responsibility initiatives while staying up-to-date with industry changes for optimal performance.

  • Compliance management

    We bring a collective 100+ years of experience investing over 50,000 hours annually to custom training development.

  • Incident management

    Track all the incident types important to your company with our fully configurable incident management tool.

  • Risk management

    Incorporate risk management into your EHS program with hazard assessments, risk analyses, and mitigation planning tools.

  • Training and education

    Take advantage of the training and education tools to ensure your employees are informed on current regulations and practices.

An EHS system you can count on

Consisting of 28 tools, EHS Hero offers organizations powerful resources to help them manage their environmental, health, and safety programs more efficiently. With these tools, organizations can reduce risk, improve compliance, and create a safer and healthier workplace for their employees.

237 hrs

time saved annually streamlining critical compliance tasks


average client score from Capterra and G2


average number of times EHS Hero subscribers have renewed


of clients use EHS Hero every week

Annual hours saved

  • 24 hrs saved permitting and recordkeeping
  • 27 hrs saved on forms and checklists
  • 54 hrs saved creating plans and procedures
  • 48 hrs saved on training
  • 84 hrs saved on regulatory research

Subject matter expertise

  • Collective years of industry experience – 100+
  • Hotline questions resolved – 4,200+
  • EHS update newsletters deployed per year – 52
  • Subject areas covered on EHS Hero – 197

Client insights

  • On average EHS Hero subscribers have renewed 4.5 times
  • 80% of people use EHS Hero every week
  • 100% of EHS Hero subscribers say it helps them with regulatory research, training, or process automation.
  • On G2 subscribers rank EHS Hero 4.3 out of 5 stars
  • 41 industries served across current subscribers
  • On Capterra subscribers rank EHS Hero 4.5 out of 5 stars

Tools and resources

  • Mobile app tools – 9
  • Mobile responsive tools – 20
  • Training materials and modules – 4,000+
  • Interpretations – 2,700+
  • Guidance docs – 5,900+
  • Forms – 6,700+
  • Checklists – 600+
  • Plans – 110+
  • Toolbox Talks and micro training materials – 1,600+

Become an EHS hero