TrainingToday product update: Launch of new refresher courses and enhanced LMS functionality

Author: BLR

The new year brings exciting new training opportunities for TrainingToday’s subscribers!

BLR’s learning and development and content teams are excited to share the launch of new human resources and environment, health, and safety (EHS) courses, along with exciting new functionality within the learning management system (LMS). Read on to learn more about these new additions. If you’re not a current TrainingToday® subscriber and are interested in learning more about our LMS or course offerings, get in touch!

New content releases

We’ve rolled out a dozen new “refresher” courses on some of our most popular topics. These courses highlight the key points a learner should remember and are great for training scenarios such as:

  1. Learners who may take a required 30-minute safety course each January, then take a 10-minute refresher in July as a midyear mark to reinforce the information.
  2. When there isn’t a time requirement on the training, learners take the full-length version year 1 and use refreshers for years 2 and 3. Repeat the 3-year cycle.
  3. Learning through repetition. Periodic, regular refresher training can help employees with repeated errors as a way to instill “muscle memory.”

HR courses

  • Americans with Disabilities Act: What Supervisors Need to Know (Refresher): This refresher session is about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a federal law that prohibits employment discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
  • Coaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors (Refresher): In this refresher course, we will review some effective techniques you can use every day to coach your employees to higher levels of performance.
  • Communication Skills for Employees (Refresher): Effective communication in the workplace is the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships and productive, successful performance. This refresher course reviews skills required for effective communication on the job.
  • Diversity for All Employees (Alternative) and Diversity for All Employees (Spanish) (Alternative): Diversity in the workplace means having a group of employees with a wide range of different backgrounds in terms of race, age, gender, and other characteristics. Having a diverse workforce is a good thing, but it can also present some challenges. This session will present facts about diversity that show how employees can help create a cooperative and productive work environment by respecting one another’s diverse backgrounds.
  • HIPAA: Your Obligations Under the Privacy Rule (Refresher): This refresher session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s (HIPAA) Privacy Policy.
  • Organizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher): Use this refresher session to help you organize and plan more effectively so you can work more efficiently and achieve goals successfully.
  • Title IX for Higher Education (Refresher): This refresher session reviews the broad scope of Title IX and what is required to comply with the law.

EHS courses

  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish): This refresher training reviews the measures you can take to not only limit the damage but also save precious lives both before and during these traumatic incidents.
  • Avoiding Back Injuries (Refresher): In this refresher training session, you’ll learn what risk factors and hazards expose you to back injuries and what you can do to help keep your back healthy and pain-free.
  • Avoiding Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (Refresher): This refresher session is intended for employees who are likely to be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) in their workplace.
  • Basic First Aid for Medical Emergencies (Refresher): This refresher course provides an overview of first-aid procedures for a range of medical emergencies. It is not a substitute for a first-aid or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification course; rather, it provides basic awareness training to give employees who witness a medical emergency on the job the knowledge and skills to act quickly and seek help when needed.
  • Fleet Safety: Tips and Considerations: This training covers regulations and best practices for employers that conduct business using fleet vehicles or rented vehicles or allow employees to use personal vehicles to conduct company business. This course also covers businesses that operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).
  • Hazard Communication and GHS: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher): Hazardous chemicals are found in many workplaces, and every day, millions of workers face potential exposure. Therefore, it is important to know what chemicals are in your workplace, what hazards they present, and how to limit exposure to those chemicals. This session reviews some of the most important points.
  • Ladder Safety (Refresher): Ladder accidents, injuries, and even fatalities are some of the most common forms of accidents that happen on the job. Use this refresher course to review the key points to working safely with ladders.
  • Personal Protective Equipment: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher): After this training session, you will understand how a personal protective equipment (PPE) hazard assessment is conducted, which involves evaluating the workplace and job functions for any potential hazards that can be controlled through the use of PPE; be able to select the proper PPE to protect against the hazards found during the hazard assessment; and be able to show employees how to properly wear and care for their PPE.
  • Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls: A Guide for Employees (Refresher): Slips, trips, and falls are among the most common causes of injury on the job and at home. Everyone slips, trips, or falls on occasion, but sometimes, the result can be serious, painful, and even deadly injuries. It’s important to recognize slip, trip, and fall hazards on the job when you see them so you can take proper precautions to prevent accidents and protect yourself and coworkers from injury.

Features and Functionality Update

Enhancements to Content Author

We’ve released a new button component, a breadcrumb navigation, and an adjustment to the dark theme in the Content Author.

New button component

Authors can add a new button component to pages. They can configure the button component to trigger one of the following actions:

  • Open URL.
  • Go to page.
  • Go to next page.
  • Go to last-viewed page.

Here’s a screenshot of the new button on a sample module page:

Additional breadcrumb navigation

We’ve also released additional breadcrumb navigation to the Content Author editor. Authors can see where they are within a page’s hierarchy when they have many nested components.
Here’s a screenshot of a sample page with breadcrumbs:

Dark theme enhancements

When authors are working with a module that has a dark theme, the Content Author editor now displays with a dark theme. Previously, authors had to preview the page to see how text and background colors rendered. The screenshot of the breadcrumb feature is shown with a dark theme.

The new content is available in the following libraries:

All Access: Human Resources

  • Americans with Disabilities Act: What Supervisors Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Coaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors (Refresher)
  • Communication Skills for Employees (Refresher)
  • Diversity for All Employees (Alternative) and Diversity for All Employees (Spanish) (Alternative)
  • HIPAA: Your Obligations Under the Privacy Rule (Refresher)
  • Organizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Organizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)

HR Employment

  • Diversity for All Employees (Alternative) and Diversity for All Employees (Spanish) (Alternative):
  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)

HR Employment Refresher

  • Americans with Disabilities Act: What Supervisors Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Coaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors (Refresher)
  • Communication Skills for Employees (Refresher)
  • HIPAA: Your Obligations Under the Privacy Rule (Refresher)
  • Organizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Organizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)


  • Diversity for All Employees (Alternative) and Diversity for All Employees (Spanish) (Alternative):

All Access: EHS

  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)
  • Avoiding Back Injuries (Refresher)
  • Avoiding Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (Refresher
  • Basic First Aid for Medical Emergencies (Refresher)
  • Fleet Safety: Tips and Considerations
  • Hazard Communication and GHS: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Ladder Safety (Refresher)
  • Personal Protective Equipment: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls: A Guide for Employees (Refresher)

All Access: Spanish

  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)

Workplace Safety

  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)

Workplace Safety CA

  • Active Shooter On-Site: What Every Employee Should Do (Spanish)

Workplace Safety Refresher

  • Avoiding Back Injuries (Refresher)
  • Avoiding Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (Refresher)
  • Basic First Aid for Medical Emergencies (Refresher)
  • Hazard Communication and GHS: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Ladder Safety (Refresher)
  • Personal Protective Equipment: What Employees Need to Know (Refresher)
  • Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls: A Guide for Employees (Refresher)

Transportation Safety

  • Fleet Safety: Tips and Considerations