
Preventing sexual harassment: a guide for employees eLearning course preview


Sexual harassment is one of the most common types of workplace harassment, with thousands of claims filed to the EEOC every year. This harassment not only creates a dangerous and unproductive workplace, but results in time-consuming legal battles and heavy fines for damages and settlements.

This course will teach employees the issues surrounding sexual harassment, help them define sexual harassment, explain why it is harmful, and how they can prevent it. Watch this free course preview to see how TrainingToday tackles this common, yet challenging, topic.

Key takeaways

  • Recognize sexual harassment when it occurs
  • Understand and follow workplace policy regarding sexual harassment
  • Report incidents and cooperate in investigations
  • Help promote and maintain a comfortable, productive work environment

Course libraries

This course is part of TrainingToday’s HR All Access library. Request a consultation today for more information.