
Navigate complex state and federal regulations with ease

BLR’s Regulatory Analysis Chart Builder

Say goodbye to endless Google searches on what regulations are applicable to you. With BLR’s Regulatory Analysis Chart Builder, you can easily search, compare, and comprehend state and federal regulations and get clear guidance on what your policies and practices must contain to avoid risk.

Our tool provides a single source of truth for regulatory updates and downloadable, side-by-side comparison charts to help you stay on top of ever-changing regulations, increase visibility across your organization, and ensure compliance across multiple jurisdictions.

One source of truth for simplified compliance

  • Easily compare regulatory requirements across various jurisdictions with easy-to-understand, side-by-side comparison charts.
  • Create an unlimited number of regulatory analysis reports to ensure a comprehensive view of compliance.
  • PDF downloads make it easy to save and share out analysis results.
  • Analyses are written and regularly updated by environment, health, and safety (EHS) industry experts.