insurance and risk management

Manage client risk: A BLR insurance solutions case study

Through the development of a new training product for their clients, a risk management-focused insurance company uses BLR’s custom content services to distinguish itself in a crowded marketplace.


  • Increase contractor client satisfaction and retention
  • Provide risk management solutions that provide distinction in a crowded marketplace
  • Identify a partner that can excel in developing solutions


  • BLR custom content creation
  • Job site safety meeting client portal and companion app


  • BLR custom content became one of the most frequently used services in more than 32,000 client logins in the first year
  • Usage spread beyond contractor clients
  • Expanding to a BLR partnership supporting client training needs

About 10 years ago, a major P & C insurance company realized that providing risk management value doesn’t necessarily mean creating every solution on its own. They believe that a company should have a niche it excels in, and then surround itself with others having similar cultures.  They also believe their partners should complement what they do.

Their research found a client’s satisfaction depends not only on what the company provides the client directly, but also on what its partners provide.

Therefore, they choose its vendor partners carefully and in 2014, set out to develop a new custom product for its clients, and turned to and trusted BLR for this initiative.

The opportunity

They insure many contractors who need effective employee safety training, but have no regular location for classroom-style training, and no computers for online training courses. This means they often meet and train only on remote job sites.

They knew that if they could provide an easy, convenient, and professional training method for these contractors to hold job site safety meetings, they could increase client satisfaction, provide added value, and distinguish themselves in the marketplace.


BLR’s custom content solution

They were familiar with BLR’s Seven Minute Safety Trainer documents, and found the content to be what they were looking for. However, the format didn’t fit the problem they wanted to solve: job site accessibility.

To meet their needs, BLR’s team of content experts created a custom delivery solution for the 7-Minute Safety Trainer.

With single sign-on access from the client portal to a web-based application users can access features that include:

  • Trainers
  • Employees
  • 350 Topics
  • Scheduling
  • Documentation
  • A companion mobile app, with features for:
    • Trainers
    • Incidents
    • Attendance
    • Photos
    • Signatures
    • Access to OSHA, DOT, and EPA Resources


“We launched the TrainingToday solution only three months ago, but we’ve had a 40 percent increase in utilization in that time.”


After several years of getting to know BLR, our products, our people, and our culture, they asked the BLR team to develop a top-rated solution for their clients.

Client feedback and results

In one year’s time, the custom app has grown in popularity and is one of the company’s most frequently hit services on their secured client risk management web portal. While initial promotion and implementation was limited to contractors, they noticed an interesting response: About  25 percent of their clients using this app were not contractors. Consequently, they now promote the app to auto dealers, equipment dealers, petroleum marketers, metal fabricators, and others. BLR’s custom solution is able to increase client satisfaction and retention.

With this success,  They have decided to move on to additional client offerings, serving training needs with BLR’s TrainingToday.


Download the case study here.