Lockout tagout fundamentals demo webinar
Hundreds of workers are injured and killed every year due to the unexpected release of stored energy. Additionally, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) penalties for lockout/tagout (LOTO) violations can cost as much as $250,000. For these reasons, it’s essential to have an effective LOTO program to protect workers from hazardous energy releases and your organization from OSHA penalties.
EHS Hero® provides LOTO solutions that make building and managing a consistent, compliant LOTO program easy. Whether you’re starting from scratch or are ready to level up your LOTO program, you can protect your workers and achieve compliance with EHS Hero.
Join us for an on-demand demo of EHS Hero’s LOTO compliance and workflow solutions. Matt Hall, client success manager, and Starla Finch, account executive, will walk you through how EHS Hero can help simplify the LOTO fundamentals.
Watch now to learn how to:
- Ensure compliance with OSHA requirements for LOTO procedures, recordkeeping, auditing, and training
- Build and manage a configurable, mobile-accessible library of LOTO procedures
- Simplify and standardize your LOTO processes
- Implement an effective LOTO program from start to finish