person sitting with clipboard and box of personal belongings, across from someone in suit with folded hands

Conducting an effective exit interview to benefit all parties


Effective exit interviews can help your workplace reduce unwanted turnover, saving your company significant resources. But for many organizations, it’s a missed opportunity. Did you know that according to the Harvard Business Review, a staggering 70% of leaders don’t act on insights gained from exit interviews?

The reason for the employee’s departure greatly affects their final interview. This includes who conducts the interview and the questions that are asked. The employee’s exit circumstances play a significant role in shaping the interview process.

The final interview is influenced by factors such as the person in charge and the topics discussed. By conducting a successful interview, the employer can gain valuable insights into the company culture.

This complimentary guide contains essential information.

  • Sample questions to ask your departing employee
  • A timeline for the exit interview process beginning when the employee gives their notice
  • Strategies for a successful interview

Download Prepare for departure: An employer’s guide to exit interviews and use it to conduct your next exit interview effectively.