Warehouse worker with injured back

Avoiding back injuries: eLearning course preview

Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries, regardless of job function. These injuries can result in countless missed days, lifetimes of pain, and massive medical bills. OSHA ranks back injuries as the nation’s number one workplace safety problem, but how can they be avoided?

In this training session, workers will learn what risk factors and hazards lead to back injuries, and how they can be avoided. Watch this course preview to see some of the ways workers are educated on protecting their backs and preventing injury.

Key takeaways

  • Make a plan before lifting and transporting objects
  • Use legs rather than back when lifting or unloading objects
  • Maintain good posture throughout the day

Course libraries

This course is part of TrainingToday’s Construction Safety, Construction Safety (Spanish), Workplace Safety, Workplace Safety CA, Workplace Safety Refresher, and EHS All Access libraries. Request a consultation today for more information.