Employee Handbook Builder Terms and Conditions
1. License. BLR hereby grants Customer a subscription to the Service for creation and customization of the listed number of handbooks to be created during the subscription Term.
2. Additional Licenses. During the subscription period and subsequent subscription periods, Customer can purchase additional licenses at the same per-license rate as the initial license. This rate will be locked in through the initial subscription Term. This rate will be removed if the subscription expires for a period exceeding 6 months.
3. Effect of Termination. Upon any request by Customer, or following termination or expiration of this agreement, BLR will return to Customer or destroy all Customer Confidential Information, as appropriate, including electronic or other backup copies of Customer Confidential Information. Customer understands that failure to keep a subscription active will result in an outdated handbook.
4. Intellectual Property. BLR owns and reserves any and all copyright, proprietary and other rights in and to the BLR Employee Handbook Builder.
5. Promotion. BLR and Customer agree that neither party shall display or use the other’s trade names, commercial symbols, service marks, trademarks, system names or website links in advertising, news communications, promotional materials or otherwise, regardless of media format, without their prior consent.
6. Customer Materials. Customer may NOT submit or upload statements, data, or materials to the Service that (i) are harassing, threatening, obscene, defamatory, racially or sexually offensive, invasive of others’ privacy, or otherwise unlawful, (ii) contain viruses or other harmful computer code or data, or (iii) in our judgment have the effect of disrupting others’ use of the Service. “Unlawful” as used here means, without limitation, violation of any civil or criminal laws and the unauthorized use of proprietary materials owned by others, such as text and audio-visual material protected by copyright, trademarks and logos, and commercial uses of the name or likeness of persons living or dead.
7. Disclaimer. Although BLR makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information, analytical tools, and data provided in the Service are useful, accurate, and current, BLR cannot guarantee that the information, tools and data provided will be error-free. By using this site, you and your clients assume all responsibility for and risk arising from your use of and reliance upon the contents of this site.
8. Availability and Support. The BLR Employee Handbook Builder shall provide Customer with remote access to and support of the Service via the Internet. The BLR Employee Handbook Builder shall provide such remote access 24 hours per day, and support during normal business hours of 7am to 6pm CST.
9. Data Safety Measures. The BLR Employee Handbook Builder shall act with a commercially reasonable degree of care to provide a secure hosting and storage environment in connection with the Service, and to protect Customer’s data from unauthorized access by third parties.